The Pasadena Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. recently concluded the inaugural Saving Our Young Black Men Job Skills Training Program – Connecting You to Jobs. The program targeted 18-21 year old young men (and women). It focused on providing skillsets that they need for life long success. The concept of this program is to hold a hand out to give a hand up.
Financial health is important to overall health. This often comes down to gainful employment being the path to financial, physical and mental health. Unfortunately, many of our young black adults are missing out on job opportunities.This occurs for many reasons, but the purpose of this program is to start bending the curve one young adult at a time.
The Job Skills Training Program, taught by Casswell Goodman, gets our young adults ready for the job market by teaching them how to fill out effective job applications, put together job winning resumes and learn how to successfully interview in order to win jobs. The free program provided each participant that completed the training with a free suit, a $25 gift card and the opportunity to test and certify through the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce to have access to a database of over 600 jobs.
The program culminated with the opportunity to talk to and network with companies that have jobs, access to jobs and internships in the areas of healthcare, technology, public services and trades. Some of these companies included City of Hope, ChapCare, Youth Build, Outward Bound Adventures, the Pasadena Police Department, IBEW and more. Feedback from the companies that attended the culminating event was positive, and they feel this program is needed in our community. In order to achieve diversity and inclusion objectives within their companies, they need to hire young black men and women. This demographic is important to help companies have diverse inputs that are needed to thrive both today and in the future in this multi-cultural society.
The eight students that completed the program found it valuable because they feel equipped to go out into the world. They understand how to compete. They understand what they need to do to win. The program provided a mentor to each student so they have someone to help guide them on their education to employment journey. They understand that they are important and a lot of people and companies are vested in their success.
The Pasadena Chapter of AKA partnered with the Pasadena Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., First AME Zion Church, Caswell Goodman of Exceptional Quality Professional Development and more to deliver this inaugural program.
The sponsors for this event are The Pasadena Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., the Pasadena/Altadena Ivy Foundation, City of Hope, Pasadena City College, Exceptional Quality Professional Development, The Pasadena Journal, ChapCare, Friends of the Pasadena/Altadena Ivy Foundation, First AME Church Pasadena, First AME Zion Church and the Pasadena Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. & the Gamma Zeta Boule Foundation.